PPTmk would like to wish everyone a very happy and healthy new year 
Last year was an absolute nightmare for the vast majority of the world with the very ugly caronavirous spreading so rapidly. 
A lot has been spoken about the devastating impact it has had on so many businesses, but for some reason the aviation industry doesn't seem as important to the global economy, as, say the pubs, as an example 
All businesses are important and travel and tourism accounts for £200 billion (or 9%) of the U.K. economy 
As well as airlines been hit so hard, so have the airports. All airports have had to make severe job cuts and changed the way they operate. Airport travel hubs have seen passenger numbers drop by around 90%. This is huge. Imagine having YOUR income cut by 90% through no fault of your own... 
My next blog will explain how the airports are going to try and see some of their lost revenue return in 2021 and beyond 
Personally, I feel 2021 has a huge amount of positive news ahead and lets hope the world gets moving SOON !!! 
Thankyou for reading 
Have a great, safe, healthy 2021 
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